Dr. K. Pooranapriya, B.E., M.E., Ph.D., AMIE.,IETE
“Engineering is the art of modelling materials we do not wholly understand, into shapes we cannot precisely analyse so as to withstand forces we cannot properly assess, in such a way that the public has no reason to suspect the extent of our ignorance.”
– Dr. AR Dykes
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and technology (VVCET).Despite the giant leap in education sector, there has been a dearth of good educational institutions in many rural regions of Tamilnadu. With the noble intent of imparting exemplary education, Vidyaa Vikas Educational and Charitable Trust (VVECT) was founded in the year 1996 by the pioneers in the education field. Since then, it has evolved into one of the major group of institutions in this part of the state, with various schools and colleges imparting quality education to boys and girls from all strata of society.
Academic policy of VVCET are Imparting world class quality education by creating special skill for real life problem solving, Imbibing creative ability, innovative skills and research temperament, Inculcating global perspective in attitude and developing habit of lifelong learning, Total focus on holistic education of students by which character is formed, strength of mind in increased and intellect is expanded, Effective teaching learning process through active exposure to industries, renowned institutions & invited lectures by technologists to keep abreast with the state-of the-art technology , Promoting ethics, human values & professionalism amongst students.
The Honour Code of our Institution is academic integrity. It articulates Institutions expectation of faculty, Staff & students in establishing and maintaining the highest standards in the academic work.
We believe that discipline, honesty and hard work together structures the ladder of success. With this vision, we inculcate these attributes in our students to make them successful in their lives.
Our college has been deeply committed to develop and motivate the young talents to take up the challenge they face after graduation. The institute will definitely continue to contribute for development and growth of young minds.